Friday, November 19, 2010

I think it's pointless to keep this blog going, it's not like I have readers anyway.

Friday, November 12, 2010


It's been almost a month since my last blog entry. Where has the time gone?

I'm 22 years old now. Yup, had me another birthday. School is quickly coming to an end and I'm freaking out about it. Math is still kicking my butt but I think I will be okay if I continue to do my homework, study for my next two exams and kick butt on the writing assignment.

I worked at Bath & Body Works yesterday. I thought I was going to be on the floor but I was in the back doing shipments the entire time. Even though it is harder work, I prefer to doing shipment than to being constantly criticized on the sales floor for my selling/ customer service technique. I don't take criticism well, I think that is because when I was young it was never constructive criticism. When you're an overweight kid, you get made fun of... a lot. Add a pair of glasses and you're a walking punchline.

I'm still overweight but I'm working to fix that. Gym and proper eating has gotten me down 20lbs so far, it just feels like I'm F A R from reaching my ultimate weight goal. I'm very impatient. I suffer from low self-esteem but I try to convince myself that I don't.

Monday, October 25, 2010

Dia de los Muertos at Disneyland

I love this set up in Frontierland. It reminds me of the movie, The Halloween tree, based on Ray Bradbury's book. They have free face painting which I thought was way cool since nothing is ever free at Disneyland. I'll be there again next week with my sister so I'm sure we'll get it done again.

Tuesday, October 19, 2010


I'm a horrible blogger, or at least at multi-blogging.
I have a tumblr, live journal and this blog.
I should just copy and paste, that would save a lot of time right?

Well here's the scoop since my last post:
School is going...that's it. I'm passing all of my classes, with the exception of math. I'm picking up the slack and really focusing on it now. I want to pass. I need to pass. I WILL PASS! I want to raise my csu GPA so I want to aim for all Bs this semester. Aiming for a B in calculus is setting the bar high but I'd be happy with a C.

I FINALLY got a job; it's with Bath & Body Works. I interviewed on the 8th but because of a lack of communication between HR and the store (needing to know if I was eligible for rehire), I didn't know if I officially got the job until this past Friday, the 15th. I have training/orientation today from 2pm - 6pm, for which I get PAID! in dollah dollah bills! :D

I'm so thankful to God for providing this job and I hope I get decent hours so I can save my $ for rent. I know it's really wishful thinking but I want/need a few days off during the holiday season that I hope the store will allow.

First, Nov. 4 & 5th because Diana and I want to go to DLR for our birthdays. I don't see how this will be a big problem since it's just the beginning of the holiday season so they aren't that busy yet.

Next, Nov. 23rd. Now this is a definite NEED. I have an orthodontist appointment that morning so I'll only be requesting the closing shift instead of the whole day off.

Finally, Dec. 18th. A Saturday. One week before Christmas. Yes, I know this crazy but it's Tradition Day! This is the one day a year we arrive at my grandma's house SUPER early, sleep, then wake up to make tamales for our Christmas dinner and various baked goodies. I'm 99.9% sure it will be "blocked out", meaning no one is allowed to request the day off but I will ask for the closing shift. I will be dead tired but at least I get to keep my family tradition. I've never missed one before and I refuse to start now.

Well, I need to go study for math until 1pm. Then have lunch, change into uniform, and head over to work. It's pouring outside which probably means the 5 freeway will be a mess.

Sunday, September 5, 2010

The great lengths this procrastinator will go...

Although I believe it is too early for anything to do with Christmas, here I am watching Home Alone 2: Lost in New York.

And honestly, it's even too early for this picture since we're still over a month away from Halloween.

Simply because I don’t feel like doing my COMM 233 reading and homework. And srsly, the tv has been on since 12pm.

Monday, August 30, 2010

Feeling edified ♥

After reading my cousin-in-law's blog, I'm always uplifted and edified. Her joy in the Lord is infectious and really makes my day better. Thank you LORD for putting Daniela in my life ♥

Fall 2010

I know it seems like I abandoned you blogger but I'm not the one to blame. You can blame my incredibly, horribly, boring yet busy summer. 

Two summer school classes, which overlapped, was not as smart idea. I passed one and the other I ALMOST passed. I don't know about anyone else who has ever gotten a D in a class but doesn't it just make you really mad that you were so close to that C yet so far? Math has always been my weak subject, along with science. It was business calculus in 6 weeks. I could barely grasp the concept of one chapter before we were onto the next one.

Now I'm back at CSUF, retaking business calculus of course :[ At least this time the class session is not 4 hours twice a week. It's now 1 hr 15 minutes twice a week which is so much easier to handle. PLUS, my professor is very good at her job. She explains everything so clearly and neatly, as if she had tied it up in a pretty bow. I really like this semester's schedule but it's a bummer that I'm not tackling much of my major classes. 

This semester's schedule is 
RTVF 371 (contemporary american film) 
Math 135 (business calc) 
BUAD 301 (advanced business writing) 
COMM 233 (mass communication in modern society). 

I tried getting into COMM 361 (principles of public relations) for my minor but the system wouldn't allow it, saying that I didn't meet the requisites. If I want to add the class I have to go see the communications dept. I'm not entirely sure I want to take the class this semester considering it's another night that I have to drive to the Irvine campus and back. Although I really should take advantage of the units, and I would avoid traffic both ways. Decisions....